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We Work With Organizations To Shape The Future—Don't Wait To Inherit It.

By simulating threats and employing adversarial approaches, we can determine the most impactful use of resources and what you should stop working on.

" I can't unthink how Red Team This taught my team to rethink everything we know about our mission. "

-Defense Executive

Strategy Design
Does your team clearly know what they are working towards?

Our experienced strategists will work with you to create a plan that aligns with your company’s unique goals and objectives. We’ll help you to identify and capitalize on opportunities and develop strategies to overcome any challenges you may face.

Acquisition & Investment Roadmapping
Does your team know where to acquire solutions, where to apply resources best, and where/when to implement new solutions?

If you want to make intelligent acquisitions and investments, you need a roadmap. This comprehensive service provides a detailed plan outlining the best way to grow your business. You'll get a custom roadmap tailored to your specific needs so that you can make the most of your money and time.

Facilitation & Workshops
Does your team know the most significant problem they face? Does your team have a range of ideas on generating prime effects?

Facilitation services help groups of people to work together more effectively. The facilitator helps to create a productive environment and encourages quick and effective sharing of organizational knowledge. The facilitator is an unbiased guide who has only the end state in mind, can keep the group on track, and ensure everyone's idea gets captured.

Market Vulnerability Testing
Has your team assessed whether their ideas are robust?

We simulate market threats and develop solutions that generate strategic and irreversible change.

We'll help you identify any potential weaknesses in your system. This service is perfect for businesses of all sizes who want to ensure their systems are as secure as possible.

Tabletop Exercises
Has your team validated the implementation across the organization?

Our experienced professionals will work with you to create a realistic and relevant scenario for our organization. We can provide all the materials and resources you need to run a successful exercise or work with your team to help you create your own.

Participants learn to employ Red Team Tactics, Effects-Based Thinking™, and Industry-leading Agile techniques to develop a strategy to produce the desired effects.

In red team training, organizations can test their strategy by simulating threats. Red team training can give a company the in-house ability to identify and fix vulnerabilities before they become real market threats.

Trusted By Experts

Get more done, at the right time, with a better understanding of the intended and unintended consequences.

First Class Service

Special Forces - 21 years
Civilian - 14 years

" I've been to 8 of these ran by other teams...This was the best. "

"The team from Red Team This exceeded expectations by facilitating an insightful executive exercise that challenged our thinking. Highly recommend them for collaboration sessions."

Beyond my expectation 

Navy SEALs - 21 years
Civilian - 6 years

" No trust falls BS with these guys. "

"Red Team This designed and led an excellent two-day leadership retreat agenda that seamlessly balanced team building, strategy, and mindfulness. Strongly recommended."

Highly Recommended

COO & Physicist - Space Industry 

" Matt was a jungle gym for our ideas. "

"The strategists from Red Team This sparked fresh thinking and innovation in our session, bringing infectious energy and expertise that drive results. Reignite innovation with them."

Overcome the pull of organizational gravity; Future-proof your strategy now.

We also offer training 

  • Red Team and Executive Leadership
  • Effects-Based Thinking Facilitator (EBTF)
  • Mission Innovation Ignitor
  • Scrum Master & Product Owner
  • Business & Organizational Resilience

Partnered in Industry

Building Momentum


East Coast

DenLyn Group



DenLyn Group






Copyright 2022, Red Team This LLC