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Red teams are trained and used to identify vulnerabilities and test controls.

The environment, the situation, and the competition, as well as our own thoughts, will all challenge the decision-making process. The ability to think critically and creatively is necessary in order to make decisions that create the highest Return on Impact.. 

Red Teamers

Tailorable 2-5 Days / Minimum of 6 people

A Red Teamers Course teaches creative and critical thought processes and tools using a framework to discover vulnerabilities and apply organizational strengths to strategies. The course is designed for individuals who want to develop their ability to think like an attacker and understand how to defend against them.

The Course covers the following topics:

Thinking like an attacker

-Investigation and intelligence gathering



Defending against attackers

-Threat modeling

-Security controls

-Design principles

-Organizational resilience

Red Team
Executive Leader Course

1 Day / Minimum of 6 people

The Red Team Executive Leader Course is designed for executives and senior leaders who want to understand the role of the red team within their organization and learn how to use red teaming techniques to improve their organization's posture.

The Course covers the following topics:

What is red teaming?

-The history of red teaming

-The role of the red team in an organization

-The benefits of red teaming

How to use red teaming

-The red teaming process

-The use of red teaming in project assessments

-The use of red teaming in strategy development

The challenges of red teaming

-The challenges of red teaming

-How to overcome the challenges of red teaming

Innovation and Mission Acceleration

3 Days / Minimum of 6 people

The Innovation and Mission Acceleration Course is designed for individuals who want to learn how to generate new ideas, think outside the box, develop their skills as effective leaders, and encourage innovation within their organizations.

Participants in the course will work hands-on and employ micro-computing, drone engineering, and metal fabrication to explore the following topics:

The basics of creativity

-How to generate new ideas

-How to overcome creative blocks

-How to turn ideas into products or services

The challenges of innovation

-How to overcome the challenges of innovation

-How to manage risk in the innovation process

-How to commercialize new ideas

Effects-Based Thinking

1.5 Days / Minimum of 12 people

Effect-Based Thinking (EBT) is a more comprehensive approach to strategic decision-making as it considers both the direct and indirect effects of the decision - considering the long-term consequences of strategic decisions. It considers the potential ripple effects of the decision on the organization and its stakeholders. 

Participants in the course will use paintball guns and wood working to solidify learning points on the following topics:

Identify and analyze the effects of a decision

-Consider the direct and indirect effects of the decision

-Analyze the long-term consequences of the decision

-Consider the potential ripple effects of the decision on the organization and its stakeholders

Develop a strategy based on an understanding of the effects

-Account for organizational and stakeholder needs 

-Targeted analysis on connected variables of Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, Infrastructure, Physical environment, and Time.

Copyright 2022, Red Team This LLC